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Why Should You Start Collecting Stamps?

Stamp collecting is a fun and addictive hobby that explores history, geography, art and politics. It can be a therapeutic activity or an opportunity to meet likeminded people and join clubs and societies. Stamp collecting is also a great hobby to encourage your children to be a part of. It’s an activity away from technology that can connect children to the older generation, who may have also collected when they were younger. 

Knowing a little more about the history of the postage stamp will help you on your way to becoming a stamp collector. The first stamp was produced in Great Britain in 1840 and is known as the Penny Black. This small piece of paper changed the way we sent post and was extremely popular. Since then stamps have been produced in countries around the world with new designs issued every year.

The possibilities of what to collect are endless. You may only wish to collect stamps from one country or stamps that focus on one event. Commemorative stamps depict numerous themes, you could choose anything from cats to aeroplanes. It may be best to start with a larger theme and then break it down to find an area you enjoy. Why not think about what interests you and build a collection around that. The more passionate you are about the subject the more likely you are to continue to collect. Continue reading from The Postal Museum

From the Collection

Link to The Stamp Finder by The Collector's Dictionary in Hoopla
Link to The Complete Guide to Stamps & Stamp Collecting by James Mackay in the Catalog
Link to The One-Cent Magenta by James Barron in Hoopla
Link to Narrow Gauge Railway Stamps by Howard Piltz in Hoopla
Link to 2023 Scott Stamp Postage Catalogue by  in the catalog