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Pollinator Pathways: The Importance of Pollinating

Pollinator Pathways & Stewardship

What is a Pollinator Pathway?

A pollinator pathway is a pesticide-free corridor of public and private properties that provide native plant habitats and nutrition for pollinators. Towns and property owners that create healthy yards and public spaces for pollinators, pets & families.

The Wakeman Town Farm, Earthplace and the Westport Garden Club are working in partnership with other town organizations to enhance our public gardens and create new pollinator-friendly spaces, while encouraging residents to create their own native plant gardens. Continue reading from Pollinator Pathway Westport

Local Resources

Westport Garden Club

Since its founding in 1924, the Westport Garden Club has been committed to supporting the health and history of our community, through both civics projects and philanthropy. Continue reading from Westport Garden Club


Earthplace is dedicated to planting and maintaining pesticide-free, pollinator-friendly gardens in Westport.  Continue reading from Earthplace

Wakeman Town Farm

The Wakeman Town Farm Sustainability Center is an organic demonstration homestead dedicated to serving the Westport Community. Continue reading from Wakemen Town Farm