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Jobseekers: Your Job Search

Your Job Search


Looking Good on Paper           Prepping for Interviews                Negotiating Benefits and Promotions       

A Job That's Right for You

Your job search should consist of more than just finding open positions. It should also involve evaluating yourself; your strengths, your weaknesses, what you enjoy doing, what you dislike doing. This way you will be sure to find a job that suits you! Learn more about yourself using the Princeton Review Career Quiz or find out which Myers-Briggs 16 Personality Type you are.

Local Job Seeker Support

The Westport Library
Tarin Evans
Career Coach
To arrange an one-on-one appointment:
(203) 291-4839

Connecticut Department of Labor/ American Job Center Southwest CT

2 Lafayette Square
Bridgeport CT, 06604
(203) 455-2700

Goodwill Norwalk Career Center
15 Cross Street
Norwalk, CT, 06851
(203) 840-0361

Industry Specific Jobs

Idealist - Public Service - Idealist is all about connecting idealists - people who want to do good - with opportunities for action and collaboration. Great for internships, too!

LawJobs - Law - With a reach of over 24,000+ active seekers and 1.4 million passive seekers, Lawjobs will work with you to target quality legal professionals, guaranteeing you a great pool of applicants.

NYFA Job Listings - Art - The mission of New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) is to empower emerging artists and arts organizations across all disciplines at critical stages in their creative lives and professional/organizational development.

ScienceCareers - Science - Thousands of job opportunities from around the world and free career development tools and resources make Science Careers a one-stop site for scientists looking to advance their careers.

USAJobs - Government - USAJOBS connects job seekers with federal employment opportunities across the United States and around the world. 

Work for Good - Education and Non-Profits - Work for Good is a purpose-driven organizations and talented professionals connect, so together you can do the best work possible.


Business Databases for Your Search for a New Career!

DataAxle Reference Solutions
Use this directory of more than 24 million businesses in the U.S. to vrate a list of potential opportunities!  You can filter companies by geography, size (sales and/or employees), type of busness and other criterial

Nexis Uni
Create a dossier on your company by looking them up in this database.  Discover any news articles written about your company of interest.

Candid Foundation Center Directory 
If you are looking for a career in the non profit sector, use the Foundation Directory to discover non profit organizations in your area of interest.

If you would like a tutorial in how to use any of our databases, email to set up an appointment/

Click here for a List of Local Networking Groups

Resources from the Collection

Link to Whar Color is Yur Parachute by Richard Bolles in the catalog
Link to Get Hired Now by Ian Siegel in the catalog
Link to Modernize Your Executive Job Search by Louise Kursmark in the catalog
Link to the Job Closer by Steve Dalton in the catalog
Link to get that job CVs and resumes in the catalog
Link to Career Remix by Damon Brown in the catalog
Link to in control at 50+ by hannon in the catalog
Link to Linked by Omar Garriott in the catalog
Link to Betting on You by Laurie Ruettimann in the catalog
Link to Team Up! by Orville Pierson in the catalog
Lnk to Coming Back! by Fawn Germer in the catalog
Link to Career Remix in Freading
Link to the Big Book of Job-Hunting Hacks by Brenda Bernstein in the catalog
Link to Modernize Your Resume by Wendy Enelow in the catalog
Link to Ultimate Job Search Lynn Williams in the catalog
Link to Pivot by Jenny Blake in the catalog
Link to Great Pajama Jobs by Kerry Hannon in the catalog
Link to Launch your career in Freading
Link to the Unwriten Rules in the Highly Effective Job Search  by Orville Pierson in the catalog
Link to Career Match by Shoya Zichy in the catalog
Link to Switchers by Dawn Graham in the catalog
Link to How to Get a Good Job after 50 by Rupert French in the catalog