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Non-Board Games: Home

Family Fun Games - No Board Required

Indoor Fun!

Family Games
Paper Cup Tower Challenge: Divide into two teams and see who can make the highest tower without falling over
Guessing Game: Put an assortment of items on a tray.  Everyone tries to memorize the items.  Everyone closes their eyes.  Then one person removes a few items and players try to guess what was removed.
Charades: Simply split into teams and then have one person from each tam act out a movie, book or tv show to see who can guess the answer
Pictionary: One person draws a picture without using any letters, numbers, words, gestures, verbal cues or nonverbal cues and everyone else tries to guess what it is.  Need word ideas? Click here...
Need more indoor games?  Click here...
Card Games
Hearts: In this twist on trick-taking games, players want to have the fewest points by taking the smallest number of tricks.  For the rules, click here...
Rummy: Rummy is still one of the best-known card games in the United States.  Rummy works better than Gin Rummy when there are more than two players.  For the rules, click here...
Spit (Speed or Slam): Spit, also referred to as Slam or Spped, is a game of the shedding family of card games for two players.  The game is played until all of someone's cards are gone.  For the rules, click here...
War: The object of the game is to take possession of all the cards in the deck.  This game could last 5 minutes or 5 hours.  For the rules, click here...
Spoons:  Do you know how to play Spoons?  It's so much fun!  It's a fun family card game that is probably best for ages 5 and up.  For the rules, click here...
Need more Card Games?  Click here...

For the Sunny Days!

Games for 2 or more
Hopscotch: All you need is chalk or masking tape and markers, like pebble, bottle cap, shell, button, etc.  For the rules, click here...
Freeze Tage: One player is it.  When a player is tagged, he must remain frozen in place.  He can be unfrozen if he is tagged by a non-it player.  When all the players are frozen, a new it person is chosen, and the play begins again.
Kick the Can: A twist on the old hide and seek favorite, Kick the Can adds a whole new element that kids can enjoy with family and friends.  For the rules, click here...
Red Light, Green Light: Can be played with 3 ormore players.  The goal of the game is to get from one end of the playing area to the other without being called out because you kept moving after
Need more Ideas?  Click here for 30 classic outdoor games for kids.

And Anywhere...

For more fun, Check out a book from our Collection

Link to Unbored games : serious fun for everyone by Joshua Glenn and Elizabeth Foy Larsen in the catalog
Link to Great big book of children's games : over 450 indoor and outdoor games for kids by Debra Wise in the catalog
Link to Card Games Properly Explained by Arnold Marks in the catalog
Link to Tag, toss & run : 40 classic lawn games by Paul Tukey & Victoria Rowell in the catalog
Link to Card Tricks by Jean Hugard on Freading
Link to  Login to Download Big Book of Family Games by Brad Berger in the catalog
Link to Card games for dummies by Barry Rigal in the catalog
Link to Shuffle and deal : 50 classic card games for any number of players by Tara Gallagher. in the catalog
Link to  Login to Download Mathematics, Magic and Mystery by Martin Gardner in Freading
Link to how to play and win at bridge by David Bird in the catalog
Link to Unplugged Play by Bobbi Conner in Freading
Link to Math Games & Activities from Around the World by Claudia Zaslavsky in Freading
Link to Summer fun! : 60 activities for a kid-perfect summer by Susan Williamson in the catalog