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Rocky Shore Ecosystem: About

Rocky Shore

What is the Rocky Shore?

Rocky shores are areas of transition between the marine environment and the terrestrial environment. The littoral zone between the mean high water mark and the mean low water mark is a challenging habitat for both the terrestrial and the marine species. In many coastal areas, rocky shores are formed in areas where the eroding wave is removing material away from the cliff edge (Cremona, 1986). Depending on the composition and the aspect of the rockface, crevices and gullies are formed on the shore. This provides microhabitats such as rock pools, where marine invertebrates from most phyla can live. Continue reading from Seabed Habitats

Physical Characteristics

Rocky shores include wave-battered boulders, grapefruit- sized cobbles and exposed bedrock. Rocky shores are common throughout New England, wherever bedrock outcrops at the shoreline or high energy waves remove the local glacial veneer. The mixture of mud, boulders, pebbles and cobble on the rocky shores of the Harbor Islands are the result of glacially-deposited landforms. Continue reading from Outer Island

Importance to the Ecosystem

As well as supporting lots of unusual plants and animals, rocky shores are important fish nurseries and roosting and feeding grounds for birds. Along with their commonly associated algal beds, they also help stabilise inshore sediments. Continue reading from Queensland Government


Learn More About Marine Ecosystems: From the Collection

Link to Deep blue home : an intimate ecology of our wild ocean by Julia Whitty in the catalog
Link to The Ocean of Life by Callum Roberts in the catalog
Link to Waters of the world : the story of the scientists who unraveled the mysteries of our oceans, atmosphere, and ice sheets and made the planet whole by Sarah Dry in the catalog
Link to The sea trilogy : Under the sea-wind ; The sea around us ; The edge of the sea by Rachel Carson in the catalog
Link to Ocean : the definitive visual guide by the American Museum of Natural History in the catalog
Link to Ocean anatomy : the curious parts & pieces of the world under the sea by Julia Rothman in the catalog
Link to Systems Biology of Marine Ecosystems by Anjanette Tadena on Freading
America's marine sanctuaries: a photographic exploration by US National Marine Sanctuary Foundation in the catalog
Link to The brilliant abyss : exploring the majestic hidden life of the deep ocean and the looming threat that imperils it by Helen Scales in the catalog
Link to Vanishing sands : losing beaches to mining by Orrin H. Pilkey in the catalog
Link to The Atlas of Disappearing Places: Our Coasts and Oceans in the Climate Crisis by Christina Conklin in the catalog
Link to Below the Edge of Darkness by Edith Widder PhD in the catalog

Link to Marine Ecosystems Resource Guide Series Homepage