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Art of Negotiation

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Link to 15 tools to turn the tide by freeman in the catalog
Link to Ask for More by Alexanra Carter in the Catalog
Link to Creative Conflict by Bill Sanders in the Catalog
Link to One Step Ahead by David Sally in the Catalog
Link to order out of chaos by walker in the catalog
Link to Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher in the Catalog
Link to Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss in the Catalog
Link to next-level negotiating in the catalog
Link to Negotiation Booster by Kasia Jagodzinska on Hoopla Digital
Link to Endure the Tiger by Leonie McKeon in the Catalog
Link to Negotiation by Harvard Business Review in the Catalog
Link to Negotiatng the Impossible by Deepak Malhatra in the Catalog
Link to Negotiating the Nonnegotiable by Daniel Shapiro in the Catalog
Link to Negotating with Giants by Peter D. Johnston in the Catalog
Link to HBR's 10 must reads on negotiation in the Catalog
Link to Secrets of Power Negotation by Roger Dawson in the Catalog
Link to What an MBA Taught Me by Bea Wray in the Catalog
Link to You Can Negtiate Anything by Herb Cohen in the Catalog

The Art of Negotiation

Negotiation is a type of discussion used to settle disputes and reach agreements between two or more parties. Generally, a negotiation results in a compromise where each party makes a concession for the benefit of everyone involved.

Negotiations occur frequently within the workplace and may occur between coworkers, departments or between an employee and employer. Professionals may negotiate contract terms, project timelines, compensation and more. Negotiations are both common and important, so it’s helpful to understand the types of negotiations you might encounter as well as how to improve your negotiation skills.

Negotiation skills are qualities that allow two or more parties to reach a compromise. These are often soft skills and include abilities such as communication, persuasion, planning, strategizing and cooperating. Understanding these skills is the first step to becoming a stronger negotiator.

The skills you’ll need depend on your environment, your intended outcome and the parties involved. Continue reading from Indeed

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Link to the Podcast Negotiate Anything
Link to Negotiate on Apple Podcast
Link to Negotiation Ninjas Podcast
Link to the Art of Feminine Negotiation on Apple Podcast
Link to The Mediation Minute Podcast on Spotify