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Frank Lloyd Wright: About

Frank Lloyd Write, America's Architect

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Frank Lloyd Wright 1933 - 2020

Ask the average citizen to name a famous American architect and you can bet that their answer will be Frank Lloyd Wright. Wright gained such cultural primacy for good reason: he changed the way we build and live. Designing 1,114 architectural works of all types — 532 of which were realized — he created some of the most innovative spaces in the United States. With a career that spanned seven decades before his death in 1959, Wright’s visionary work cemented his place as the American Institute of Architects’ “greatest American architect of all time.” 

Wright always aspired to provide his client with environments that were not only functional but also “eloquent and humane.” Perhaps uniquely among the great architects, Wright pursued an architecture for everyman rather than every man for one architecture through the careful use of standardization to achieve accessible tailoring options to for his clients. Continue reading from Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation

What is Organic Architecture?

Organic Architecture is, in essence, the pursuit of effortlessly combining a structure, its surroundings, and the site on which it sits.

Home and other buildings in this style should not only complement their surroundings but also seem to blend perfectly with them as if growing out of them as a natural element.

This particular style of design and construction philosophy is the brainchild of famed American architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Considered the "Father of Organic Architecture," as he was the first to coin the term, Wright made the style popular through his portfolio of work spanning a successful 70-year career. The style has since grown much larger in scope and expanded internationally to include many nonresidential buildings as well. Continue reading from The Plan Collection

Check out a Book or Video

No house should ever be on a hill or on anything. It should be of the hill. Belonging to it. Hill and house should live together each the happier for the other.
   - Frank Lloyd Wright from Frank Lloyd Wright: an Autobiography, 1952. 

Link to The essential Frank Lloyd Wright by Frank Lloyd Wright in the catalog
Link to Frank Lloyd Wright the Houses by Alan Hess in the catalog
Link to Frank Lloyd Wright a biography by Meryle.Secrest in the catalog
Link to Frank Lloyd Wright [DVD] by Ken Burns in the catalog
Link to A Testament with Frank Lloyd Wright in the catalog
Link to Wright Style by Carla Lind in the catalog
Link to Frank Lloyd Wright Interior Style and Design by Doreen Ehrlich in the catalog
Link to Frank Lloyd Wright Natural Design by Alan Weintraub in the catalog
Link to Drawings And Plans Of Frank Lloyd Wright by Frank Lloyd Wright in Hoopla
Link to Understanding Frank Lloyd Wright's Architecture by Donald Hoffmann in Hoopla
Link to gardens of Frank Lloyd wright by Derek Fell in the catalog
Link to Fallingwater by Marc Harshman in the catalog
Link to Frank Lloyd Wright : unpacking the archive by Barry Bergdoll in the catalog

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