While candles add warmth and light to every space, making your home feel cozier, they don't last forever and can be a little pricey. However, you can make them yourself really easily with a few supplies and a little bit of know-how. As a bonus, you can control what goes into them. If you're sensitive to fragrance, leave it out. If you're concerned about keeping the air in your home as clean as possible, use soy wax. Although there are many different types of candles, they all contain three main components: wax, a wick, and a container. Before you get started, read through the full instructions for making homemade candles. When you're ready to begin, prep the area where you'll be making your candle. Cover the surface with newspaper or a brown paper bag. Continue reading from The Spruce Crafts
Candle Making Basics (Martha Stewart Living)
Hints for DIY Candle Making (Candle Science)
How to Make Your Own Candles (Art of Manliness)
How to Make Scented Candles from Scratch (Food52)
How to Recycle Old Candle Wax to Make New Candles (Spruce Crafts)
Make Your Own Candle Wicks for Candle Making (Sew Historically)
How to Make Beautiful DIY Dried Flower Candles (FloraQueen)
How to Make Candles Out of Old Crayons (Instructables)