Westport Blizzard of February 1934 Black & white photograph of downtown Westport in the winter snow blizzard of 1934. Photograph taken at the corner of Post Road East and Main Street, near Westport Library building on right. (Connecticut Digital Archive)
A plow battles blowing snow in downtown Stamford during the height of the Blizzard of '78. By the time the three-day storm stopped, more than 15 inches of snow fell with strong winds that blew drifts more than 30 inches. (Connecticut Post)
Men clearing snow from railroad tracks; Blizzard of 1888 in South Norwalk and Bridgeport; photographed by George S. North. (The Connecticut Historical Society)
Westport police said at the time that the situation was not as dire as it could have been because most people were already off the roads. Most people, that is, except for Lester Gilbertie, who lived on Sunrise Road. His wife went into labor and he had to get her to Norwalk Hospital. He managed to get there in time even though Interstate 95 was closed.
Days after the storm, the fire chiefs in Westport and Fairfield urged people to shovel out nearby fire hydrants.
"We realize that everyone is tired of shoveling," they said. "But a few extra minutes could save a house and possibly a life. Our men need water to quell a blaze. Only you can give us this by cleaning away the snow."
The only people in business during blizzard was the police, firefighters and town maintenance personnel, according to Crier. Westport was a "verifiable ghost town." Continue reading from Patch
Weather Bureau Tries to Celebrate 1888 Blizzard (1918, Mar 11). The Hartford Courant (1887-1922). (Proquest)
Shea, J. Listen, My Children, and You Shall Hear of the '78 Blizzard (2013, Feb 08). Hartford Courant. (Proquest)
Westport officials report big snowfall from the storm, but little damamge (2013, Feb 9). Westport News (CT). (Newsbank)
Buffa, D. Stuck at Home, 4 Days and Counting: Schools Closed as Digging Out Goes On. (2013, Feb 13). Hartford Courant. (Proquest)
A Look Back at Wicked Connecticut Winters and the Big Blizzards (Connecticut Magazine)
Blizzard of 1888 Devastates State (Connecticut History)
Remembering February 5, 1978 (06880)
#TBT Braving the Blizzard of '78 (Connecticut Post)
Westport Got 24.5 Inches: CT Snow Totals by Town (Westport Patch)
Blizzard Leaves State Snowbound (Connecticut Post)
Blizzard Drops More Than 2 Feet of Snow on Northeast (ABC News)