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Book Collecting: For Beginners

Book Collecting

A Beginners Guide to Book Collecting

Introduction to Book Collecting

Book collectors start as readers. This may seem obvious but is important to keep in mind, for the majority of book collectors collect authors or subjects that they are currently reading or have read and enjoyed. In fact, perhaps “enjoyed” is really not descriptive enough. Collectors do not just enjoy these books; they feel an affinity with the author and admire the author as one of the best in the field. The author expresses the collector’s thoughts and inchoate insights and expresses them in ways the collector would if he or she had the talent, or takes him or her to a time and place the collector is interested in or to a setting that removes the collector from his or her current world and cares.

Book readers become book collectors when they find that books have become important as objects that they wish to own, admire, and enjoy at their leisure. This is an important point, for most readers are content with reading a library copy or a paperback reprint and have no desire to go beyond this point. In order to understand the drive of a book collector, one must understand that most are attracted to book collecting for three reasons: the true enjoyment or fun of the search, the love of the book as an object, and the economics or investment potential. From our experience with collectors-and most dealers for that matter-all three motivations exist in varying degrees. Continue reading from The Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of America

From Our Collection

Link to Bibliophile: An Illustrated Miscellany by Jane Mount in the Catalog
Link to Miller's Collectibles $ Antiques Handbook and Price Guide by Judith Miller in the Catalog
Link to How To Collect Books by John Herbert Slater in Freading
Link to I Will Judge You By Your Bookshelf by Grant Snider in the Catalog
Link to The Library: A Fragile History by Andrew Pettegree in the Catalog
Link to Pocket Guide to the Identification of First Editions, 6th edition compiled by Bill McBride in the Catalog
Link to A Second Book of Booksellers by Sheila Markham in Hoopla